Start your journey on Trendyol with Restatos

We know how products are sold on Trendyol, and we want to show it to you.

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Evaluate the occupancy of a niche, brand, product

If you're thinking of selling a new product, look for information about it:

Contact sales to learn more
How many merchants are selling it
Which merchant has monopolized the product (or category or brand)

We look at the number of sellers in a niche/category/brand and their share in it. If there is a seller with a large share, we can conclude that the niche is monopolized.

There may be more vacant niches

To make a conclusion about a free niche will help to familiarize with the number of sellers, understanding what kind of sellers are these sellers, what is their activity, whether there is an excess of demand over supply and whether there is growth in this niche.

Repeat the leaders' successes

Avoid mistakes in work on the marketplace. Watch how leaders do their business and learn from them.

# Name Sold Revenue Goods count Seller count Brand count
1 Elektronik 3 594 834 6 255 399 863 43 579 11 330 3 858
2 Ev ve Mobilya 7 364 116 3 633 255 620 40 691 11 938 6 629
3 Giyim 8 102 895 3 142 640 145 52 778 8 522 5 699
4 Süpermarket 7 991 045 2 731 985 688 41 033 15 076 8 302
5 Kozmetik 8 171 099 2 593 291 570 36 715 10 481 5 202
# Name Sold Revenue Goods count Brand count
1 Trendyol 1 966 310 2 166 288 059 84 772 334
2 BOYNER 419 855 837 353 935 53 128 665
3 Korayspor 252 900 465 224 040 9 581 51
4 Cool Halı 48 387 423 317 523 1 071 1
5 Derimod 108 202 397 107 992 5 904 11
# Name Sold Revenue Goods count Seller count
1 Apple 39 129 912 602 894 2 785 613
2 adidas 357 273 865 100 434 32 513 553
3 Philips 214 730 685 113 024 14 074 2 880
4 Samsung 75 996 589 128 873 14 498 1 979
5 Puma 242 899 521 023 345 29 723 607

Restatos is an easy way to find out what's on sale.

Analytics service is saving money on surplus goods.

Tracking product progress.

Researching the sales history of a product, merchant, and brand.

Free plugin for Chrome to analyze products on

Our data is as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

We will show what really sells

We'll show you what really sells

Whatever stage you are at, we will be of assistance to you.

  • Just thinking about going to the marketplace
  • Making my first sales
  • I have a stable business

In simple terms, what we do

Despite the simplicity of the scheme we do a lot of work in the background.

Modern approach to marketplaces

Going into the marketplace today without analytics data is much riskier than ever before.

Enough guessing, let's look at the data.
  • 45mil+

    products monitored

  • 100k+

    search phrases Tracked