restatos' author
Ksenia S.
127 days ago

Trendyol Reviews

An unobvious tool to increase conversions

Trendyol yorumlar

According to recent research, adding at least one review on Trendyol increases product card visits by 108% and conversions by 65%. Marketplace shoppers admit to feeling uncomfortable purchasing a product without reviews.

We'll talk about the impact of reviews on a seller's performance on Trendyol and share tips for getting reviews from buyers and discuss strategies for working with them.

Trendyol feedback infographics
Why Trendyol reviews are important?

Trendyol is the most popular online shopping store in Turkey. There are thousands of sellers selling similar products on this marketplace. So how do customers choose the right one? Based on other users' ratings and seller's rating.

Customer feedback affects the following metrics:

1. Number of store sales. People trust Trendyol sellers who have reviews in their product cards. A large number of reviews and high ratings indicate that many customers have bought from this seller and were satisfied with their choice.

2. Promotion of the product card in Trendyol search. The higher the rating of the product, the higher positions it will get in the search.

In the example below, you can see that all the products that made it to the Trendyol homepage are highly rated and have a large number of reviews.

trendyol reference example

3. Store Rating. High customer ratings and positive reviews increase a store's rating on Trendyol. This means that the seller has a good reputation, which also makes it easier for them to promote on Trendyol.

4. External Buyer Attraction. Product listings can be free external advertising for a seller on Trendyol - they are picked up by users of global search engines such as Google. An ad with a high rating will have an advantage over an unrated ad.

trendyol examines the output sample on google
How to work with reviews?

Handling customer reviews on Trendyol is important for building your company's reputation, attracting new customers and retaining your existing audience. Positive reviews build brand trust and increase the likelihood of a purchase, while negative reviews can cause serious reputational damage and loss of business on Trendyol.

Trendyol feedback processing

To work effectively with reviews on marketplaces, it is necessary to follow several key principles. First, it's important to respond to reviews regardless of their content - both positive and negative. Thank customers for positive reviews and respond to negative ones by offering a solution to the problem.

Second, you need to monitor reviews on Trendyol and respond to them promptly. Marketplace visitors evaluate the speed of a company's response to feedback, so it's important to be attentive to feedback and respond to it quickly.

Trendyol response to feedback

The third principle of working with feedback is to use feedback to improve a product or service. By analyzing Trendyol reviews, you can identify weaknesses in a company's product or service and take steps to correct them.

You can also add your customers' feedback to the product description.

For example, if your customers write in a review of children's pencils that they draw well on asphalt, you can add this to the product description, thus attracting more customers to Trendyol.

In addition, working with reviews on marketplaces ensures that you build long-term relationships with your customers. If you show that you value your customers' opinions, offer a personalized approach to each customer, and strive to create a positive experience with your company - this will lead to positive results and increased sales on Trendyol.

Trendyol personalized approach to the customer

By following these simple review guidelines, you can improve your brand, increase consumer trust, and achieve success on Trendyol.

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