Tracking competitors' products

you always know how your competitors are doing.

Start being aware of your competitor's activities
How they changed the price

We keep a history of price changes. You can find out what effect the price has had on sales.


We keep a history of description and image changes.

Advertising campaigns

We'll tell you when and how they advertised products.

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You will know how much it costs at different times to participate in advertising campaigns

Several times a day we gather up-to-date information on how much it costs to advertise in different places.

  • How much pay per click in categories
  • Or in search queries
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What trends are coming up on the marketplace?

We will tell you what sells best, what is gaining momentum, where the volume of sales on the contrary is decreasing.

  • You'll know where to go now
  • Which brand is growing in revenue, number of products, vendors
  • Which product is selling better than it did a month ago
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Be aware of your product positions

We'll track the product and tell you how your search positions change based on your actions

  • You'll find out where it ranks in the category at a particular point in time and has been before
  • What search phrases it occurs in and be able to add your own for tracking purposes
  • You can track how your actions affect the position of the product

Maximum up-to-date data

We make sure that all the data we display to you is as truthful as possible.

Frequent data collection from marketplace

Our robots collect data every day, every hour, every minute. They never sleep (we try to be like them :).

History of all data

We store and display a history of all data collected. You can familiarize yourself with what happened a few months (or years) ago.

A full range of all interesting data

We collect all information on products, categories, search phrases, merchants, brands, advertising campaigns.

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We don't do enough?

Tell us what else you should do!